Day 10
16.6 miles / 132.8 total
Steps: 45,227
San Joaquin River steel bridge
Days without shower 11
Today was SO much better than yesterday!! I started getting up a little after 6 but it was still so cold. I had to pee SO bad and that was my motivation for moving and unzipping my sleeping bag. It is a bit of a process to get used to how cold the real outside air is. First, I unzip the top half of my sleeping bag and shove my down jacket in the bottom to warm it up to my body heat. Then, I unzip the main part of my tent letting in a little of the cold air. I never realize how much warmer my tent is than the outside air until this point. The jacket gets put on along with my beanie. I typically put on my sandals and upzip the rest of the tent and rainfly quickly and hop out. I figure if I am moving I will be warmer. I go pee, grab my bear can and run back into my tent. It was freezing and most likely in the low 30s. The sun was starting to come out but I knew I had a while before the sunlight would hit me. I sat on my sleeping pad and wrapped my sleeping bag around me. I made a LARGE coffee in my vestibule area and drank it slowly. I started to try to pack up but noticed a small wet spot on my sleeping bag. I don't know if it was from the rain last night, touching a wet spot on the floor of my sleeping bag, or possibly drool. I let it air out of my sleeping pad and enjoyed a little more coffee. My PJs were still damp and the inside of my tent was too. I took off the rain fly and set it aside and let the inside of my tent air out. In the cold air, nothing was really drying. The only option I really had was to wait until the sun peaked over the mountain or pack up my stuff wet. I waited. I put everything, PJs, gloves, rain gear, and rain fly on a rock and as soon as the sun started to come out it dried so much quicker. I got packed up and headed out a little after 8.
I got to Muir hut at the top of the pass at about 8:40. I couldn't believe how close I was to it. I took some pictures and did a video of the inside and saw a couple people coming up from the other side. They experienced somewhat similar weather but not as long as I had it. Crazy how different it can be over a mountain. I took some pictures for them and they did for me, we ate breakfast, talked and finally headed out in opposite directions. It took longer here than I did at most passes but for the trouble I had to get here thought I might as well enjoy it!
Her name is Liz. She is from jersey, works at a climbing camp, and is doing a section of the PCT going south. We talked, ate, sat by the fire I made and laughed. It's crazy how quickly you can get to know people here. I always enjoy talking to other girls out here and typically feel a bond with them. She did say the next pass is also brutal for northbound hikers. Guess it's time I get my harder days. I'm planning on going into MTR, getting my package, and heading out. I guess we will see how long that takes and how far I get tomorrow. I'm looking forward to Girl Scout cookies and Pringles! I also forget what else I sent myself and still have a couple extra meals in my can right now. It only took about 10 days but I think I now know how much food I will need for the next portion and it would be awesome to have a lighter pack.
My poor knees |
Me & Liz |
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