Day 6
14.4 miles / 75.0 total
Steps: 37,853
Suspension Bridge
Days without shower 7
When I made it to the peak I took a few pictures and talked to some people. It is always nice to meet people at the top and see where they came from and where they would suggest to camp. One couple asked me if I was the Marine...damn Luke! Lol. They were a sweet older couple whose combined age was in the 130s I think. They said they had one of the older combined ages for couples hiking. It was really cute. I guess Luke had gotten up there about the same time they did and since he doesn’t break very long just talked for a minute and headed back down. It was so beautiful looking over Glen pass at Rae lakes. I couldn't stop smiling. This was one of the times when you really can’t believe your eyes. The way down was almost as rough as the way up. The rocks were very tricky and I didn't want to fall. I talked to a few other people as I headed down and saw many Ladies of the JMT. I love how welcoming and friendly everyone is – especially these girls/ladies! Seriously – join this Facebook group if you are looking for an awesome group of supportive women on and off the trail! Once almost down to Rae Lakes a guy started to pass me and his heals looked SO bad. They were bleeding at his heals and I really just felt like he needed help in some way. I asked him if he wanted any tape that I had and he said he was good using duct tape and would stop at the lake. Crazy guy! He was moving very quick but slowed down and we talked for a bit. His name is Brian and back home he has a boxer/lab mix named Frank who he likes to take backpacking with him. It was fun talking for a bit to him and talking about Reecy made me miss her even more. I wish she could be out here with me. We talked a bit longer until we got to the lake and parted ways. I was loving this view, so took off my pack, had a couple bites of the pro bar I opened earlier, and took some pictures. There were a few people around here and there but everyone seemed so peaceful. It was an amazing spot. There was a little island in the middle of the lake and it looked very inviting but I knew this large lake would have been very cold and I wanted not as cold.
I was getting ready to head back out up walks Luke! I guess he pushed it to hard up the pass and was already hurting. Or he really just missed me. Earlier before we split ways he said guys were going to start hitting on me again because I'd be alone. I joked that I would have to find myself another “trail boyfriend”. We talked for a bit and he told me he had taken a wrong trail by Rae Lakes and was backtracking when he ran into me.
There were a lot of people camped on the side approaching the bridge so we went over to try to find a site with a fire ring but there wasn't anything so we came back across and some guys pointed out spots down the hill. We looked and it was perfect. Few tent spots with a fire ring! We set up camp, filtered water, washed out a few items and gathered wood for a fire. Luke made the fire and I made us dinner. I had extra tortillas and a 2 servings of beans & rice so made us burritos! We kinda had an odd rhythm going that worked. We studied the maps and I told him my rough plan to make it over the next pass and to a lake about 8 miles away for a break and swim again. Then continue another 5ish miles to camp. He isn't sure what he plans on doing tomorrow but I suggested go on his own and if we meet up to camp at the same spot or spend the afternoon together that would be ok but I like my mornings alone. The fire kept us up to the latest trail night yet! It's 10pm! The stars through the trees were amazing! I almost wish there wouldn’t have been as much tree coverage to see them better but it helps block the wind. I'm in my bag nice and warm now and ready to try to sleep. Guess I likely won't be getting 10 hours of sleep tonight. Better sleep well! Goodnight!
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