August 21, 2016
Day 4
9.7 miles / 47.7 total
Steps: 27,496
Tyndall Creek
Days without shower 5
The people around me this morning were loud as they got up and got ready to head towards Whitney. Not a great place to be camped and I hope that I wasn’t like that yesterday. I still was able to stay in my bag and lay around for a while. I'm coughing pretty bad this morning and I'm not sure why. I'm pretty sure I have some Emergen-C drink or something in my bear can that I can take. I have also been pretty good at taking all my Juice Plus Vitamins so I am hoping this is just from the cool air or allergies. Not good. I feel ok but this cough is persistent right now as I am laying down. It's 6am and it's not likely I'll sleep more so I should just get up and get moving. As I move around my legs are feeling a little tight and ankles are sore. We will see how today goes.
This morning was super relaxing. I started super late compared to my typical morning. I drank coffee (I forgot all my tea which is very sad) and enjoyed the morning. Didn’t actually get started today until about 8:45. There was a lot of uphill out of Crabtree. The first major water was Wallace Creek it was pretty and very easy to cross over the rocks. Not very far up from that was Write creek and was about the same for crossing. Then across Bighorn Plateau which was super hot and long. As soon as the trees started again it was lunch time! Peanut butter and jelly in a tortilla which is my favorite! There were 7 pack mules grazing and it was cool to watch them. I took a few pictures and walked towards them until they all started watching me. The next portion was a long downhill towards Tyndall ponds (which I did not see) and the creek. Today was stopped a little short because of a storm brewing. We were told that it gets very exposed at the base of Forester pass and would be better to camp in the tree line. This cut the day short by about 3 miles. I'm really glad that I set up camp because the storm was pretty crazy for about an hour with rain and tent shaking thunder.
Once it stopped raining went to walk around a bit and saw some deer close by. I love seeing all of them! I made dinner; mash potatoes with bacon and veggies! It was yummy. I am loving putting the Just Veggie mix in everything! I tried to have a piece of chocolate but I couldn't get it out of the package before the raining started again. It's cold. It seems like I am saying that every day. It is only about 7 and thinking about sleep but I need to get up and brush my teeth now that the rain has stopped again. I'm really hoping this storm clears up so I can stay on schedule and make it over Forester pass tomorrow. It looks like it will be about a 13.5 mile day. If I stay with this pattern it seems like the days are going to be long than short. That is likely a good pace.
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