Day 9
12.7 miles / 116.2 total
Steps: 31,447
Inlet to Helen Lake
Days without shower 10
I often have to look at my calendar to figure out what date or day of the week it is. Today my calendar says it is RDO (my regular day off) and payday Friday. YAY! I am so thankful that I was able to save enough vacation time to take this trip. It was not easy and avoiding taking days off for the past year has been challenging! There are many people who seem to be between jobs or have taken unpaid vacation time.
After getting cleaned up and stopping the bleeding, I put a Band-Aid over it and slowly continued on. I was watching the clouds closely that were slowly getting bigger and darker. I saw a trail worker who asked me if I had seen some people and we talked for a bit. I asked him about the storm and he said I should be good to get over the pass with a few sprinkles. That made me feel better so I continued on. About 2:30 it started to sprinkle so I put on the rain cover on my bag but decided I didn’t need my jacket yet. Then, it started to RAIN!! I had to stop again to get out my rain gear and it then it started sleeting! I was glad I had my umbrella and made a little shelter for a bit. As I sat there it turned to small hail.
After a bit longer it eased up a bit so I thought I could make it to a camp. I continued up to the lake but there were NO campsites!! Then the rain started again and it was getting colder. I didn't want to head down and go the opposite direction so kept going and going until I got to Helen Lake and still NO sites that I could see. It was getting even colder and started raining/sleeting harder and still nothing but rocks. I was starting to get frustrated. I was cold, my fingers were cold, and it was becoming miserable. Finally, I saw something pretty far off trail to the right and a large rock cairn. I went for it and tried to set up as quickly as possible in the wind and rain. Wow I need practice at that. It seemed like it took forever. Then I couldn't figure out how to get me and my stuff inside without getting everything wet. Thankfully I keep my tent on the outside so the main compartment of my pack didn’t have to be opened until in the vestibule area. The vestibule area was very wet and muddy. I shoved all my dry stuff to very back of the tent and took off everything wet – which was pretty much everything that I was wearing. I use the very small section of a towel I brought to clean my pot with as a towel to dry the inside of my tent. Thankfully my sleeping bag and dry clothes were in a trash compactor bag. I'm also SO glad I didn't wash my sleep socks today. My PJs were still VERY damp and I didn’t want to mess with them. I'm so thankful I have my running tights (which I added last minute), dry socks, and my down jacket & beanie. I dried myself off with my bandana. This is one of the most useful items I think I have. It's my washcloth, snot rag, sweat wiper, and personal towel. It is easy to wash and normally dries pretty quickly too! So glad I have it! Thanks Ladies of the JMT for having something so useful to identify with!! Also, I am so glad I have a 2 person tent. Everything I need to keep dry is inside, the wet stuff is in the vestibule, and the rain is really coming down again. I get organized and decide on dinner. For an appetizer I had peanut M&Ms. Then a cup of chicken noodle soup, which is mostly just broth, and then the burger meal from pack-it gourmet! Amazing! I'm stuffed and happy! About the time I finish eating it stops raining. I finish off the rest of the chocolate and am feeling much better. The sky is still dark and I'm not sure if it's going to rain more. I am curious so I send for a weather report on my inReach. It said clear for the night and tomorrow. Sweet! That is very exciting. My temperature zipper pull inside my tent says a little above 45°. It seems colder even though I am not really sure because I typically do not deal with these elements very much. I am sure outside is about 5° colder than in my tent. I have a few chores to do. I have to walk down to the lake to get some water to filter, go pee, and take a few pictures of the amazing sunset. I set my bear can away from my tent and now that the inside of my tent is pretty dry, get my sleeping bag out of the stuff sack. I crawl inside it and hang my head out of my tent while I watch the sunset. It's getting dark now and the wind is still blowing pretty good but not as bad as earlier. It's just past 8pm and my only goal for the evening/night is to stay warm and get some sleep.
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